Aegea Saneamento received an Honorable Mention in the 22nd Best Annual Report Award from the Brazilian Association of Publicly-Held Companies, Abrasca, for its annual sustainability report. Promoted since 1999, the initiative recognizes the companies that best produce their annual reports, in order to promote the clarity, transparency and excellence with which they report their information to the market.
Aegea received an Honorable Mention in the category Risk Management Structure, Internal Controls and Compliance. “These themes are pillars of corporate governance and the award recognizes both the importance and priority with which they are treated in the company as well as the advances implemented in these areas in recent years”, points out André Pires, CFO at Aegea.
Aegea’s Annual Sustainability Report has been published since 2011 and follows the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), recognized worldwide for its transparency and commitment to the integration of operational information and economic, environmental and social impacts.