Aegea Saneamento is highlighted in the Valor 1000 ranking, promoted by the newspaper Valor Econômico and which recognizes the thousand largest companies in the country, considering results and financial aspects. Among the private companies, the company is the best placed in the “Water and Sanitation” category.
“We are very happy to once again be recognized as one of the best companies in Brazil. Being the best positioned company among the private players in the sector consolidates the effectiveness of our business model, facts that are justified by our financial figures and advances in sanitation rates in the cities we serve, ”says Radamés Casseb, CEO of Aegea Sanitation.
The company maintains its continuous growth and financial strength after winning the last two tenders in the sector – Cesan (Cariacica-ES) and Sanesul (Mato Grosso do Sul). With these new achievements, Aegea Saneamento starts operating in 126 cities, distributed in 12 states and serving more than 11.2 million people.
The Valor Econômico yearbook is in its 20th edition. The research was developed by Valor in partnership with Serasa Experian and the Center for Studies in Finance at EAESP / FGV-SP, using net revenue as a parameter for the ranking and adopting current performance measurement criteria.