Aegea Saneamento won, this Friday (23), Competition nº001 / 2020 promoted by the Sanitation Company of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul (Sanesul). The bidding has as its object the administrative concession for the execution of infrastructure works in sanitary sewage, improvements, maintenance and operation of the systems for a group of 68 cities in Mato Grosso do Sul. The contract provides for the universalization of the sewage system in up to 10 years and has an investment estimate of R $ 3.8 billion, in the 30 years of the contract, with R $ 800 million invested in the first decade of the concession, benefiting more than 1.7 million people.

“It is with immense happiness that we face the great challenge of changing the current scenario of sewage treatment and collection rates for 69 cities in Mato Grosso do Sul, including the capital Campo Grande, where we have been operating since 2010 and that we have already achieved significant changes. These facts make us proud and reaffirm our commitment to promoting more dignified and healthier lives where we operate, ”says Radamés Casseb, CEO of Aegea Saneamento.

With this new achievement, Aegea Saneamento starts operating in 126 cities, distributed in 12 states and serving more than 11 million people. With different contract models, the company totals six public-private partnerships in its scope of service. Also this week the company won Cesan’s bid for sewage services in Cariacica, Espírito Santo.

“Aegea trusts the public-private partnership model, based on successful concessions that already exist, such as Piracicaba, in the interior of São Paulo, which is one of the leading cities in the country’s sanitation indexes. Our experience in operating in locations of different sizes, with a transparent and ethical business model, coupled with our operational efficiency and investments, will be fundamental to contribute to universal sanitation in this region ”, adds Casseb.

Aegea congratulates Sanesul for the initiative and believes that part of the solution to bring sanitation to all Brazilians is the complementarity and integrated action between the government and the private sector. With the new regulatory framework for sanitation, initiatives like this will be enhanced, generating new investment opportunities in an even safer environment.

Among the cities included in this bid are Água Clara, Alcinópolis, Amambai, Anastácio, Anaurilândia, Angélica, Antônio João, Aparecida do Taboado, Aquidauana, Aral Moreira, Bataguassu, Batayporã, Bodoquena, Bonito, Brasilândia, Caarapó, Camapuã, Caracol, Chapadão do South, Colonel Sapucaia, Corumbá, Cushion, Deodápolis, Dois Irmãos do Buriti, Douradina, Dourados, Eldorado, Fátima do Sul, Figueirão, Lopes da Laguna Guide, Iguatemi, Innocence, Itaporã, Itaquiraí, Ivinhema, Japorã, Jardim, Jateí, Juti , Ladário, Laguna Carapã, Maracaju, Miranda, Mundo Novo, Naviraí, Nioaque, Nova Alvorada do Sul, Nova Andradina, Novo Horizonte do Sul, Paranaíba, Paranhos, Pedro Gomes, Ponta Porã, Porto Murtinho, Ribas do Rio Pardo, Rio Brilhante , Rio Negro, Rio Verde of Mato Grosso, Santa Rita do Pardo, Selvíria, Sete Quedas, Sidrolândia, Sonora, Tacuru, Taquarussu, Terenos, Três Lagoas and Vicentina, as well as, for the purposes of this Notice, the district of Nova Esperança