Hamilton Amadeo, CEO of Aegea, celebrates the achievements in the 3rd Abcon Sustainability Award and reinforces the commitment to the quality of life of the population
In an award ceremony held last Thursday (22), Aegea was recognized by the 3rd Sustainability Award, promoted by the Brazilian Association of Private Concessionaires for Public Water and Sewage Services (Abcon) and the National Union of Private Concessionaires for Public Services of Water and Sewage (Sindcon). Of the 63 cases registered in the Institutional, Management and Technical categories, three group concessionaires were recognized as outstanding in promoting best practices for the sanitation sector.
Present at the event, Hamilton Amadeo, CEO of Aegea, reinforced the importance of the current moment for the sector, with the discussion on the evolution and fulfillment of the goal of universal sanitation in the country and the implementation of contractual goals for all operators. Amadeo also spoke about how relevant it is to be able to serve different locations and specific needs of the population of each municipality. “Management skills, efficiency and technology are fundamental for the sector, but the company’s ability to serve all people and generate confidence in its work, due to the direct benefits that sanitation generates, must be at the center of action. At Aegea, we call this a social license to operate, this is our purpose ”, he said.
Mirante, PPP for sewage treatment in Piracicaba (SP), won 1st place in the Institutional category, with the program “Pantanal Saneada #Dignity #DiretoUniversal # Saúde”, to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood of the Pantanal Community, reducing its exposure to health risk factors, with the implementation of 1.6 km of sewage collection network, connecting 332 houses to the system. By means of this regularization, 478 m3 of “in natura” sewage ceased to be discharged into the region’s stream, being correctly addressed to the Sewage Treatment Station (ETE).
Parallel to the works for the inclusion of these residents, Mirante carried out a work of approaching the community to address the importance of sanitation for health and preservation, with profound reflections on their quality of life. In addition, a partnership was signed with the State School Prof. Manassés Ephraim Pereira, with lectures to raise students’ awareness, also carrying out an ecological trawl with students and teachers to clean the region around the stream and plant seedlings.
In the same category, the case of Ambiental Serra, PPP of Aegea for sanitary sewage in the municipality of Serra (ES), obtained the 3rd place with “Conectando Com Você” project of the concessionaire in partnership with Cesan to expand the social engagement and interest of community for sanitation issues, creating open spaces for an integrated construction of proposals to advance coverage in the city.
In the Management category, Águas Guariroba, responsible for the full sanitation concession in Campo Grande (MS), won 3rd place on the podium with the “Manancial Vivo” program to encourage the reconstruction of water sources around the hydrographic basin of the Guariroba stream, counting on the support of farmers in the region, who started to be paid for the reforestation of the region, a crucial factor for the environmental preservation and the water cycle of the capital of Mato Grosso do Sul.