Event “Cases of Success in Basic Sanitation”, carried out by Instituto Leva Brasil (ITB), the biggest reference in the work for the universalization of water and sewage in the country, brought together mayors, public managers and industry experts on September 17 in Piracicaba . In its fourth edition, the awards included large and small cities that demonstrate proven evolution in the sector and, in an unprecedented way, three regulatory agencies.

According to Édison Carlos, ITB’s chief executive, “rewarding successful initiatives in basic sanitation and recognizing the progress of cities, whether large or small in terms of population, and highlighting the role of regulatory agencies correspond to the commitments assumed by Trea Brazil”. Giving visibility to these initiatives is one of the objectives of the award.

Piracicaba was among the six municipalities that were recognized for their good network coverage rates and for the quality of services provided to users. The universalization of sewage collection and treatment has been a reality since 2014. One of the components of this success is the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model to provide this public service established, since 2012, by the city hall and Mirante, an Aegea group company.

Ricardo Miranda, CEO of the concessionaire Mirante highlights that “the actions carried out by the public-private partnership had a great contribution in the indicators that Piracicaba has today. The investments, which were in the order of R $ 400 million in a short period, placed the municipality among the cities with the best sanitation rates in Brazil, contributing to the good quality of life of the population ”.

In June this year, the Mirante operation received an award for being for the third consecutive year at the top of the Ranking of Universalization of Sanitation, of the Brazilian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (ABES). The two awards recognize the company’s efforts to expand the coverage of basic sanitation in Brazil and translate, in a practical way, the purpose of Aegea: our nature moves life.