Action, coordinated by Banco BTG Pactual, aims to contribute to the hiring of doctors and service providers for the next three months
Aegea Saneamento is one of the companies participating in the solidarity action, coordinated by Banco BTG Pactual, to hire 140 doctors to Hospital das Clínicas, in São Paulo. The initiative, which aims to mitigate the eventual collapse of the medical service network, will also offer 3,150 medical shifts for the next three months. In addition to Aegea, Cosan, HDI Seguros, Alupar Investimentos, Advent do Brasil Consultoria e Participações Ltda are other companies adhering to the initiative coordinated by the bank.
“We believe that this partnership will contribute significantly to the fight against coronavirus and strengthen the spirit of solidarity of the participating companies. We know that our role as a provider of basic sanitation services in the country becomes even more necessary in the fight against COVID-19 because water is a fundamental resource in the front line of disease prevention and, participating in actions like this, reaffirms our purpose to provide healthier lives ”, says Radamés Casseb, CEO of Aegea Saneamento.
The action is being carried out in São Paulo, as the state continues as the epicenter of the disease. Other actions are being carried out by Aegea’s concessionaires, according to the needs and characteristics of each municipality, in accordance with the company’s social responsibility policy.
Aegea Saneamento believes that participation in these partnerships is essential to fight the coronavirus. The company seeks continuous improvement in services, contributing to the preservation and optimization of resources, especially in the context of COVID-19, respecting the peculiarities and the sustainable cycle of each region, with environmental and social commitment.